Diagnosis Dance Continues

Yesterday I was not at home for most of the day. When I arrived, my husband was waiting with a smile on his face and a story to tell.

Husband received a phone call mid- morning from my GP’s office. They wanted us to know that they had tried to give GP’s referral to the Diagnostic Clinic in the other state and that the Diagnostic office was not making appointments until July of 2020. Did I want to go ahead and make an appointment?

Yes, Husband said, continue to attempt to make appointment. GP’s office said OK and that I should expect to hear from the out of state Diagnostic Clinic in a while for them to set up details, date, get info, etc. Who knows how long before we hear from them?

Then when I had properly processed and digested all of that, and was beginning to settle, my husband (secret self satisfied smile on his face) said.. “then I got another call”

It seems the kind psychologist who had been so ill that our diagnostic session in July had to be cancelled was on the phone, wanting to talk to me. When he learned I was out, he spent a period of time talking to my husband and apologizing profusely about the fact that we had not been notified about our previous cancelled appointment . Husband assured him that we were more concerned for his health than we were worried about the cancellation, Things like this happen. Then psych Dr told husband that he was ‘sort of back’ and that he wanted to make an appointment to do an assessment with me if I still wanted to proceed.
Psych Dr explained to my husband how we would go through joint and individual sessions of discussions about my behavior/traits, etc and that I might be given some tests.

Testing is to take 4 to 6 hours. We would get a written assessment at the end of it, no need to come back again, and further discussion at the end of assessment as well.
We want to do the testing and diagnosis procedure ASAP while the Dr is still strong enough. I know he is in poor health and has officially retired, and I wonder to myself if he sees me as “unfinished business” or if he is curious from a professional viewpoint… or what dynamic or motivation has set this in place… I have no insight into other people’s thinking. But regardless of the motivators, I am profoundly grateful that the good psych Dr decided to contact us, to reach out despite his circumstances, and is willing to proceed.
I am to call him this coming Monday so we can set up a time for evaluation as soon as possible. I understand psychDr’s health is still very fragile ( not expected to recover) so trying not to get my hopes up. I feel stunned, delighted by the knowledge that the doctor is feeling better, that we have not lost him, and that he has actually invited me to complete my sessions with him at this time.
I will still set up an appointment with the out of state Diagnostic Clinic if they phone, as “insurance” backup in case we do not complete the interviews and diagnosis with Psych Dr as hoped.

I will cancel the diagnostic clinic appointment if we are able to complete with Psych Dr, and at a year out I will not feel too guilty if I have to do that. Many will be willing to take my place in line.

Feeling grateful, delighted that Dr is doing better and feeling stronger, and that I have another opportunity to get his opinion..Thankful that he would reach out to me in this way.

What an exceptional man! Feeling so lucky/blessed/ encouraged today. Things like this only happen in story books, don’t they?

7 thoughts on “Diagnosis Dance Continues

    1. I have no words for how grateful I feel that the Psychologist Dr reached out to me even though he has sent formal letters of retirement to all his clients. I have no understanding of why he would do this, but i am overwhelmed with gratitude and relief on so many levels. Yes, if it happens, this could finally be “it”. validation, confirmation, the foundation of my hopes and desires in becoming an advocate for undiagnosed elderly autistic folks. unable to measure how urgent, how important this seems to me.


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